The Mysterious Incredible India!

Hi guys, welcome again to a new article about something mysterious, written only for you guys. So many of us love mysteries about different incidents around the world and I am sure some of the mystery lovers read my articles every day. Today I will tell you guys about some incidents that can change your views and thoughts about a country. Well, do you know where was the first diamond of the world mined? Where is the only floating post office of the world situated? Where the cosmetic item Shampoo was discovered? where there is the first spa only for elephants? Which country is the most English speaking country after U.S.A.?Which country has the largest number of vegetarians? Which country invented the use of sugar? Well, for all these questions the answer is only one, My Incredible India. Thus till now, I hope you have got a good stuff of General Knowledge, Right? Ok, so today we will discuss some Mysterious incidents which happened or have been happening only in India with no scientific causes till now. I hope You guys are really excited, So without wasting your valuable time let's start.
1> The Bird Suicide, Jatinga - In Assam, a state of India, The Jatinga Village is famous all over the world because of every year from the month of September to December, many birds commit mass suicide after sunset till early night. They hit themselves against the ground flying at great speed, crashing their tender bones resulting instant death. Many tried defining the incident scientifically but failed because suicidal tendencies are absent in a bird's brain though some animals like dolphins, dogs, sloths have been reported to have suicidal tendencies. Thus it's a big question that without suicidal tendencies, why the mass suicide happens? Some locals believe it as a curse of evil spirits but though scientists tried a lot they have failed because this type of incident has never been reported from across the world except this small village Jatinga. Thus, it is quite a mystery.

2>  The Red Rain of Kerala - This incident is one of the most mysterious incidents all around the world and nobody until now is able to give valid reasons for this incident. It was 5th July 2001. The time was 12 noon by the clock and the weather was normal in Kerala. But suddenly thunderstorms started with heavy pouring rain. To the uttermost surprise of every native, the raindrops were pinkish red in colour. At first, people panicked and they thought it was a rain of blood. But when samples were collected and tested in the laboratory, it was raindrops which were red in colour. Initially, scientists told that it must be dust of some meteorites from any meteor shower which has been mixed with the clouds dyeing the rain red! But when it was tested by experts they came to know that those were not dust but some living organelles which are still alive. The shape of those organelles was identical to the R.B.C. of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. But the thing which made it different was, it was devoid of any D.N.A.So the sample was preserved for 10 years in the laboratory and in the year 2012 when some scientists reexamined the organelles, they found new D.N.A. in it. Some think that these are blood cells of Aliens who are more advanced and capable of D.N.A. reconstruction. But as there is no proof, The mystery is still behind the curtains.
So what do you think about those organelles? Tell me in the comment box.

3> Sonic Boom of Jodhpur - It was 8th December  2012 in India. The time by the clock was 11:25 A.M. The residents of the Blue City, Jodhpur in Rajasthan, heard a sound of very high density in the city. The sound was so intense that everybody thought there must be some explosions in the city. Many people thought to resolve it in a scientific way and told that when a jet traverse in a  supersonic speed, these type of Sonic Booms can occur. Some people thought it as the start of the destruction of the world as according to Mayan Civilisation the end of the world was to occur in December 2012. Some thought that Indian Military was testing jets which resulted that Boom! But surprising everybody military confirmed that no jets were tested on Jodhpur on that day these types of tests are conducted in a deserted place to avoid destruction in public societies. After that Sonic booms were reported in many places of U.S.A. and U.K. without specified causes. Many experts think that it was a boom from any U.F.O.which was traversing with a supersonic speed all over the world!.

So how was the article guys? I would love to hear your opinions about these mysteries and my country India. I hope I have been able to deliver some new facts to you guys.
I will be back very soon with my new article. That's all for today. Bye
Thank you,
Cb Francis.


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